Thursday, September 14, 2017

Journal Entry #1

New papers back in the day were very different but they also have a lot of similarities. first of all the way 'Publick' is spelled.also there aren't any pictures or bold headings. The pages look very similar to the ones we look at and read about now. 

personally I don't feel the government should have this much control over the news. The news to me is suppose to be important. Sometimes the government doesn't always want us to see the truth they keep us in the dark on many important meetings and business.

I feel its critical for the government because we  should know whats going on in our country. Nobody wants to hear there favourite franchise has a fault or is getting shut down. or how someone higher up did something stupid and wrong. People want to see things for how bad they are but people should really be looking at the bright side of things and not look for gossip all the time . I believe that the people who buy and support the newspapers help from getting the paper shut down. They provide the local news papers with enough earnings to keep them a float. people need to see the truth and whats important.

I was surprised the first newspaper was published in Halifax. I didn't know that Halifax was that popular. I figured the first news paper would come out of P.E.I because it was where confederation was set.